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Creating The Ideal Learning Environment: Physical
Have you ever wondered what it is that creates an ideal learning environment? We have brainstormed and discussed this topic with a number of different groups of participants in the Capacity Train the Trainer workshops. From those discussions we’ve identified some of the things you as the trainer might do to set the tone. We have arranged the key points into five categories: Physical Environment, Communication, Training Aids, Encouragement and Classroom Management. In this article we’re focusing on the Physical Environment. What can you do as a facilitator so that participants have the best physical environment? 1. Ensure the air quality is healthy. This means having adequate ventilation and designating an area outside the classroom for smoking. It also means adhering to WHMIS guidelines and requirements when working with equipment such as chainsaws. 2. Schedule an appropriate number of breaks and be willing to adapt to the learners’ needs. Determine … Continue reading
Posted in Trainer Tips
Tagged learning, setting up training, training
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