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How Do I Use Buzz Groups In Training?
Description A buzz group is a small group, consisting of three to six people who are given an assignment to complete in a short time period. Generally, each buzz group records their output then reports to the larger group. This Activity Can Be Used To: Build an agenda. Evaluate an activity, workshop or process. Serve as an icebreaker. Warm up a group to a new topic. Solve problems. Address a topic from a new perspective. Share ideas. Gather questions. Generate ideas. Generate lists. Gather feedback. Allow all participants to give input. Create a safer learning environment than in a larger group. Reflect and review. Facilitator’s Process 1. Pre-assess the group to determine what participants already know about the subject. 2. Share the purpose and objectives of the activity with the group. 3. Explain the procedure: Form small groups. Choose recorders. Complete the activity. Select one or more presenters. Report back … Continue reading
Posted in Trainer Tips
Tagged skills for coaches, train the trainer, tricks for trainers
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